Sunday, January 27, 2008

Random thoughts

The political fighting is getting fierce as we close in on super Tuesday and Hillary Clinton and Barach Obama are running very close. After yesterday, it may be time for Hillary to put a gag on Bill. Republicans are also continuing to hold primaries for no apparent purpose. Where are the independents in this election? I guess we won't here from them until the primaries are over.

A crazy little bird seems to have moved into my house for the winter. In the guest bedroom, of course. He gets in and out using the dog door. The weird thing is, my dogs are OK with this. They are not chasing the bird around like they usually do when a bird or wild animal gets in the house.

While I'm not fond of the whiny "Leave Britney Alone" video, I was shocked to read that most of the thousands of comments it has received say something like "Stewpid Fag, git Aids and DIE!" including the spelling mistakes. Are we still that immature? I had hopes that we were starting to grow up.