Thursday, November 29, 2007

Translator Added

I added a Link to BabelFish translators so you can quickly translate this blog into other languages. Note: Oriental languages may not display correctly if your computer is not equipped with the necessary fonts.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Don't Hate Atheists

I don't hate atheists. As a REAL Christian, I practice love, forgiveness and tolerance, even for atheists. If they want to stumble around blind and in the dark,
complaining that they can't see the Light (due to self inflicted blindness), I feel sorry for them, but I won't interfere with their right to do it.
But, when they complain that they are lonely in there and, because misery loves company, they want to poke our eyes out so we can join them in their blindness,
then I do object, and strongly.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Why I'll Vote for Hillary

I think Hillary Clinton and Barach Obama would make a great team in the white house. I think if Obama wins the primary, he will probably not choose Clinton as his running mate. If Hillary wins the primary, I think there is a good chance that she will choose Obama as her running mate.

I know Obama has said he would not run for vice president, but this is not the time to ask the question. You don't ask a runner before a race if he wants to come in second. Of course the answer will be "No". But that doesn't mean he will refuse to accept the silver medal when the race is done.

Beside the politics of it, wouldn't it be great to have the first women president (one of the last western countries to do so), the first black vice president, and the first former president First Gentleman all happen at the same time? I think so.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

An Interesting Blog #1

I like to use the "next blog" button that appears on the top of most blogger blogs. It's slightly misnamed because it seem to randomly link to another blog rather than following some sequence. Anyway, while blog trolling I found a cool blog written from a puppy's point of view. I have two dogs myself, so I think it's cool.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey and Pumpkin Pie

Cash for Trash

A women in New York found a painting in a trash can that she thought looked important so she took it. According to the story on Comcast news, it sold for over one million dollars.
Sometimes dumpster diving really does pay off!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Big Bug

I saw on the Comcast News page an article about the discovery of the fossil of a giant bug that lived about 390 million years ago. It was eight feet long.

I guess those giant bug horror movies of the fifties and sixties weren't so stupid after all!

My other Blog

It looks like the link got scrambled in my first post. My church/spiritual blog is here.

Bush & Guru's

When Guru's wanted their students to empty their minds, they used to tell them to imagine the sound of one hand clapping. Now they tell them to imagine they are the brain of George Dubya Bush.

First Post

This is the first post on my new blog. I have been the author of a religion blog for almost three months now and I decided to start a personal blog where I can say things that aren't appropriate on a religious blog. I don't expect to be adding to this blog every day like I do with my other blog. My personal life is just not that complicated or interesting. Mostly, this will just be political opinions, comments on news items and occasional pictures and stories from my vacations.