Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thansgiving 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bailing out Corporations

I don't know why it surprises so many then people are reluctant to bail out the big corporations. For decades they have treated the public like prey to feed off of rather than associates to provide for. I for one don't want may tax money used to perpetuate that concept of business no matter how many jobs are saved. What we need if for a new outlook from the corporate giants so they operate more like co-ops. Than people will be willing to bail them out and save jobs.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Election Over

Well the election is finally over. I can take my phone off sleep mode (do not disturb) since I will no longer be getting 5 or 6 robo calls a day. Overall, I am happy with the elections results.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Democratic Primary Schedule

I really don't understand the Democratic party officials complaining that Hillary Clinton is hurting the party by staying in the race. Did Clinton set the schedule for the primaries? I don't think so. If the party wants the primaries to be over by May, than they should schedule them so all all states and territories have voted by May (which I am completely in favor of doing) and not tell one candidate to drop out for the good of the party. It would make sense if Hillary only had ten or twenty percent of the delegates so far, but that is not the case so there is no good reason for her to quit.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Poetry Blog

I completed my poetry class and I've been adding poems to my poetry blog, so if you like poetry,
take a look.

Democrats and Republicans

With all the news stories about the candidates in recent weeks, one thing stands out to me. Democrats are making history while Republicans are trying to relive history, preferably ancient.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Cruise Vacation Picture

Another picture from my cruise vacation. This is from the fruit and veggie carving demo on the pool deck.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cruise Vacation

I'm back from vacation. I took a seven-day Western Caribbean cruise on the Celebrity Millennium. It's a very nice ship and I enjoyed all the on board activities and the shore excursions.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Potomac Primaries

The Potomac Primaries are over and Obama won all three. I wonder how many Republicans in Virginia voted for him. I know some did. I heard them talking in the line, saying "why bother to vote in the Republican primary when McCain has it locked? Vote for Obama in the Democratic primary instead." And that's what they did.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Primary in Virginia

This Tuesday, Feb 12th is the primary here in Virginia. A lot of people say everyone should get out and vote. I am one of the few who disagree. I think those who haven't bothered to find out where the candidates stand on the issues should stay home rather than just making random choices.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Random thoughts

The political fighting is getting fierce as we close in on super Tuesday and Hillary Clinton and Barach Obama are running very close. After yesterday, it may be time for Hillary to put a gag on Bill. Republicans are also continuing to hold primaries for no apparent purpose. Where are the independents in this election? I guess we won't here from them until the primaries are over.

A crazy little bird seems to have moved into my house for the winter. In the guest bedroom, of course. He gets in and out using the dog door. The weird thing is, my dogs are OK with this. They are not chasing the bird around like they usually do when a bird or wild animal gets in the house.

While I'm not fond of the whiny "Leave Britney Alone" video, I was shocked to read that most of the thousands of comments it has received say something like "Stewpid Fag, git Aids and DIE!" including the spelling mistakes. Are we still that immature? I had hopes that we were starting to grow up.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Two-oh-oh-eight, a brand new year
We welcome it with lots of cheer
but we don't know what it will bring
While we drink and dance and sing.

We hope to see a year of growth
As politicians take an oath.
We hope to see a rise in spirit
As I learn to be a poet.

We wish to see an end of war
But know that would be such a chore.
It's really easy to start a fight,
To live in peace takes all out might.

And an end to hunger too
Or children dying from the flu
And people living in a box
That wouldn't hold a half-grown ox.

To see the end of corporate greed
And learning to actually fill a need
Instead of pushing us to buy
With marketing tricks that make me sigh.

One year cannot fix all that
But at least the bee is in your hat
And maybe now you'll think sometimes
Before you spend those nickels and dimes.

Originally published in my poetry blog Crayons in the Sun.